citizens-wallpaper_The Citizens Wallpaper is an artistic project, led by experienced international photojournalists, artists and workshop leaders. It benefits the local community by giving the participants skills and techniques in citizens’ journalism and photojournalism using the latest technologies. The project engages communities in the creation of a visual representation of their lives, traditions and cultures. It reflects diversity in a positive and respectful way and promotes dialogue among divided communities.

The Citizens Wallpaper commenced in 2012 and will finish by 2022. When it is completed the illustrated narrative will comprise an innovative artistic work: a 65-metre-long canvas that reflects contemporary culture, tradition, citizenship and identity with associated sound installation. The Wallpaper is comprised of four individual canvases which, when seen together, make up the finished artwork. Together the four canvases, The Oriel Canvas, The Coleraine Canvas, The Belfast Canvas and the Ulaid Canvas cover the geographical area of the province from the Atlantic Ocean to the Irish Sea.