Citizens Wallpaper Dublin Exhibition Themes
Apac’s Citizens Wallpaper Project in Fumbally Exchange Gallery, 5 Dame Lane, Dublin. August 15th –…

Belfast Citizens Wallpaper
Conflict and violence between and within communities have left a deep legacy in Belfast. Despite…

South East Citizens Wallpaper
The South East Citizens Wallpaper incorporates aspects about communities in colourful displays of recent history and…

North West Citizens Wallpaper
The North West Citizens Wallpaper incorporates aspects about Derry’s communities alongside colourful displays of social…

La Tene,
A Cooley Gathering.
The brown bull of Ulster returned this weekend to Carlingford village in the Cooley Mountains….

European Dimension: Citizens Wallpaper in the EU and Beyond
The Citizens Wallpaper will contribute to European cultural diversity using cross border activity within the…